I’ve always had a certain fixation with contortionists. I even painted some —quite badly, when I was a Fine Arts student. There is something unpredictable and uncanny about the body when it stretches out like that. On the verge of breaking, yet so strong.
I got to know Miren Barrena through her film ‘Home Zinema’ while I was in Bilbao two years ago and wanted to photograph her. As I moved across countries, personally meeting her became impossible until we took these photographs in my Bilbao studio on a January afternoon in 2023.
‘Miren folding’ includes a sequence of images taken during our encounter days before I moved back to the US. Exploring and expanding new boundaries, Miren stretched and held her body while I tested a new camera that made my process slow and clumsy.
Published by Dashwood Books, 2023